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“Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so.” Moshe Feldenkrais

The Feldenkrais Method was created by Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), a physicist and prominent judoka. After a serious knee injury, he noticed that his posture, the way he moved and his mental well-being all had an impact on his joint. Passionate about neuroscience and psychology, but also a specialist in self-defence techniques and combat sports, he developed a gentle method of Awareness Through Movement, based on feeling, effort reduction and self-learning.

Functional Integration

In a Functional Integration lesson, the Feldenkrais teacher’s touch reflects to the student how they currently organize their body and actions. They suggest, through gentle touch and movement, expanded possibilities for new movement patterns which are more comfortable, efficient, and useful. Functional Integration lessons are flexible in their approach, determined by the student’s needs. The student may lie comfortably on a table designed specifically for the work, or do some of the lesson sitting or standing. As needed, the teacher may also use various props to support the student’s comfort, to make certain movements easier, or to clarify a movement.

Awareness Through Movement


During the 60 min lessons, I will guide you through sequences of movements and invite you to observe, analyse and question your habits in order to quickly access a neuromuscular repatterning, at the core of the method.

Such as Tai-Chi or gentle Yoga, ATM classes explore movements mindfully and slowly.

To be expected is a powerful effect on your

• flexibility

• balance

• mind

• nervous system

• the use of your strength

not only in the frame of the classes but in your daily life.


Wednesday afternoons

• 18:00-19:00 in German

• 19:30-20:30 in German


Schwedter Straße 266, 10119 Berlin near Senefelderplatz U-bahn station.


-> The room can host 4 students max, therefore a reservation is mandatory to save your spot

-> Reservation at annajarrigebodywork@gmail.com

-> Prepayment money transfer is required

-> Bankdetails will be shared per email


Single class: 18€

5 X Card: 70€, valid 2 months (14€ per class)

10 X Card: 125€,valid 4 months (12,50€ per class)


Bring a Yoga mat, comfortable and warm clothes. There is a small changing room and toilets you can use! Please bring a towel or fabric for the mats and pillows.

No previous experience required, this class is open to everyone.

LGBTQIA+ are most welcome!